They say that spiritual experiences depends on the religion of the person having it. But what if you don't have a religion at all?
Well, then you are pretty open to having any kind of experience you want.
And, you're not limited to the practice that is dictated by the school of thought that brings you to that experience. This means if you want to have one, you don't have to only do a shamanic journey or some sort of meditation or otherwise. You can mix and match whatever works for you. Spiritual experiences can be as simple as sitting in your chair and being loved by a pet and all of a sudden a feeling of peace overcomes you and you become completely enmeshed into the moment of love. Or as simple as a beautiful song playing on your car radio while you are driving on a gorgeous day and all of a sudden you feel 100% connected to everything around you. Like the sun is shining just for you in that moment. The air is the perfect temperature. Everything is just right.
Or it can be as complicated as actually feeling like you're traveling somewhere else completely and having some sort of information imparted upon you that no other human may know that may only pertain to you. My hubby has these regularly.
In your experiences, you can come across guides or scenes, or you can be completely awake experiencing real life in an altered way from normal. There are no limitations to what you can achieve or experience.
So, how do we accomplish this?
Well, for one, you can visit the Tools section of this blog for a pretty big list of ideas you can use. You can also visit our Pinterest page and check out some great quotes you can meditate on. You can also check out the Spiritual Nourishment series and find something that appeals to you.
There is a quote by Teilhard de Chardin (who was a French philosopher, paleontologist, and Jesuit priest) that says:
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
If that's the case, then we're always having a spiritual experience, in every single breath we take, every single heartbeat, everything, all the time. Whether or not we actually have "souls" doesn't matter, because being a "spiritual being" could just mean we're always seeking out new information to better our lives and those of who are around us (and possibly even the world). It could mean finding the love in every single situation you are in, good or bad. It could mean always having compassion for your fellow man, woman, child, and animal. And it could mean just knowing you are divine by the simple task of living.
What does "divine" mean in relation to RUU?
The atoms that make up the structure of everything in our universe (including us) are the same atoms everywhere (meaning the same atoms that make up your table, the air you breathe, and that rock out in your yard are the same ones inside of us). These atoms then join up to create elements. These elements are created by stars (some are left over the Big Bang). So the universe is joining up together to create everything, including us. That sounds pretty divine to me. says that the word divine means being godlike, heavenly, or being god. And if you see god as a creator, and you realize we're created by everything that makes up the entire universe, then we're kind of godlike, aren't we? We are "like god" because we are made up the same exact things everything else is. Stars give their lives so we can have a good amount of the elements around us. One being oxygen, which is vital for life on Earth.
So, as you can see, you are always having an spiritual experience, just by living.
But sometimes, we need a reminder of our divinity or our connection to the divine. And that's where this idea of "having a spiritual experience" comes into play. We need time to take a moment (or many moments) to sit, re-connect, and re-energize our body, mind and soul (soul, meaning that part of you that feels the spiritual side of life, like a receiver or a plug-in). Exercise, eating right, reading something empowering, and silence are sometimes all you need in order to do this.
But if you're looking for a more guided experience, please feel free to download this free poster. Print it out, hang it, and get to it! Get it here.
Or print out this list of various ways to get in touch with your spiritual side (download here):
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
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