The Idea of RUU

The issue with "religion"?  People want concrete answers to abstract ideas.  "God" is not a concrete idea.  Well, actually, he is.  Notice I said "he".  He is given a sex, a personality, and even human emotions like anger, happiness, and jealousy.  How much more human can you get?

But the idea of "god" is not concrete.  Its very abstract.

But then add in the fact that nobody can decide on "who is right" and think everyone who thinks differently then them is "wrong".  That's what separates us as a race (humanity).  People die over these concrete ideas that are trying to explain the abstract.

"People use concrete facts to explain abstract ideas."

It doesn't have to be this way.

What's wrong with saying "I don't know"?  And let the idea of the unknown exhilarate you?

Sure, I like karma.  I think soul mates could be a real thing.  I do tend to think that "everything happens for a reason".  I think about a whole lot of things.  BUT the difference between me and someone religious?  I don't have the need to explain why.  I am perfectly okay saying "I have no clue, but I am excited to find out one day!!"  It doesn't matter to me where I came from before I was conceived or where I am going after I die....I am okay with just not knowing.  And I am okay with entertaining certain ideas without having to explain why I like them---meaning giving them concrete reasons.  There IS not concrete reason a soul mate should if I want to play with that idea, I will, without explanation of why. 

Honestly?  I don't think the human brain is capable of fully understanding these things anyways.  Its like asking a bacteria to understand the human existence.  Or asking an amoeba to.  They just don't have the brain power or the awareness.

And that is exactly the reason I am giving up on religion as a whole.  Why try to explain the unexplainable?

Now, I don't reject all the ideas of religions.  Many of them have some really great ideas to live by.  Take the Buddhist idea of attachment, and how it is the reason for all the sadness and misery in the human existence.  It makes a whole lot of sense when you really think about it.  At least to me it does.  As does the Wiccan Rede: "An it harm none, do as ye wilt". 

The idea of RUU is not for me to lay down a set of rules for you to follow.  The idea of RUU is that you can take from any belief system you want, take those ideas and use them in your life, BUT (the big but here)......they are disposable.

Anything you take as an idea to include in your life is easily thrown away when something that suits you more comes along.  We are not attached to our ideas in RUU.  We can just as freely walk away from them as we can pick them up.  And we don't have to have answers for them. 

I think that's the part that sets us answers, no attachment.  Nothing is 100% in RUU land.  Nothing and everything is sacred, also.  Its all up to us. 

My own ideas are drawn from a mix of Buddhism, Paganism, Science, Animism, Law of Attraction, and anything else I deem worthy of my interest.  You can use anything you wish to draw your ideas from.  The only thing RUU asks of you is to let go of the need to explain these things.  Let go of the dogma.  The rules.  The holy books.  And just revel in "not knowing". 


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