This little movie stars Jennifer Love Hewitt and her Ghost Whisperer co-star Jaime Kennedy. They aren't the main characters, but they are the most well-known actors in the whole thing.
That we are are all avatars in a computer program and none of anything actually exists.
And the programmer is a 12 year old girl, and all of everything is like playing The Sims.
I don't know about you, but I am an avid Sims player. I LOVE that game more than most games (though I am also a die-hard roleplaying fan too).
So what if?
What if that's what this all was? It would make sense as we all run on electricity. Kind of like the Matrix, but less alien-esque. Just a simple computer game to see if we become of the game itself?
It's not something I've really given good thought to before, BUT I will give you an example of this idea in action:
There is idea that I've always equated to Buddhism, but now I can't find it, so who knows where I learned it. But I suffer from some pretty terrible panic attacks sometimes, and when I think about it, I will say "It doesn't matter, because none of this is real anyways." And for SOME reason, my panic stops. Every single time.
And it's not just the words, I will think in my head "IF none of this is real, then my panic isn't real, and neither is what I am panicking about". And as if my magic (or psychology??) my panic stops dead in it's tracks.
I am not going to say I believe none is this is real, because we all know how I feel about "beliefs", but I like to say "what if?".
So then the movie made me realize: who cares if this isn't real? Does it really matter anyways? I am here. I am experiencing it. So it's real to me and it's my job to make the best of what I have. Computer program or not, what will I do with what I have left of my life?
What are your thoughts on this? IF this entire life was a computer simulation and we are all avatars (not like the movie avatar), how would it affect you? How would it affect the world if we knew that was the reality of things?
Let me know what you think of this "pondering" idea below.
I don't know if it would affect how I view things . . . I think it would just be putting a new name on an old idea. Renaming the Afterlife again, I suppose. Except instead of returning to The Source, you'd be returning to bits and bytes. I don't know. I guess KNOWING the names of everything, that might change some of the emotional response though. I'd have serious panic attacks for probably the first year or so. LOL. But after that, I think I'd be OK. But I think I'd be trying a lot harder to reach out to the programmers.