- Abrahamic Religions: We do not claim to know anything at all about our creator. These religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic, claim to have one true God. This god is the same god for all three, but they each have their own savior. Their god has human functions and permeates into every single aspect of his (because he's a dude) follower's lives, including but not limited to: sexual intercourse, the weather outside, the fates of nations, circumcision & keeping one's hymen intact, punishments for impure thoughts, and the daily lives of each person on earth. In RUU, our idea of a creator is so vast and large that it would not have time for such trivial things. It would not have time for anything--as it's not human. It has no human traits at all--no thoughts, no ideas, nothing. It just "is". If its anything at all. And as for the afterlife....we do not accept is no fire and brimstone, no "place where bad people go". We can toy with the idea of an afterlife, but we don't really know--although common sense practices tells us that hell is made up place that was written in a book. Another thing, they have holy books that dictate their lives and religion. WE have "Holy MOLY Books!" that further our education of this world and our existence, none of which dictate anything at all.
- Buddhism: In Buddhism, there are a great many things to be learned. None of which are dogma. There are no shrines in RUU. No "levels to attain nirvana". Although you can use them as ways to live your life, as long as it doesn't turn into dogma. These are "tools" (a list of tools can be found here), not "the only way".
- Paganism: Paganism is mostly (not always) the path to duality. God and Goddess. Light and Dark. Its similar to Taoism in some ways, but with much more rigid dogma (very similar to Abrahamic religions). I used to be Wiccan, so I can speak openly and freely about what I know and learned. Paganism has just as much pomp and circumstance as the Abrahamic religions. In my opinion, its on par with Catholicism, with their robes, rituals, rites, and vasts amounts of incense. RUU has none of that. Why? Because we freely admit we have no idea what the 100% truth is, there is no need to please a "god", that may or may not exist with any specific actions. What it can take from Paganism is its reverence for nature. Even the Wiccan rede "An it harm none, do as ye wilt" is a wonderful way to approach life.
- Humanism/Atheism: Well, I don't know actually know what the difference between an Atheist and a Humanist is, so there's that. I do think they honor humanness over the supernaturalness of the Pagan and Abrahamic religions (among others), which again speaks to Atheism. Our difference is that we do not feel that that there is "nothing", we are just stating we do not know. There could be. There might not be. We have no idea! And that's awesome! Although what we can take from this line of thought is there is absolutely no need for dogma or a belief in a god/sky daddy.
- Agnosticism: While most of what we say here is somewhat agnostic, there is one thing we don't entertain: the idea of a creator. This makes us atheist. YET, we play around with the idea of anything and everything else. Which makes us agnostic. Yet we aren't either. Yet we are both. While we like to question everything, we don't question the idea of a being creating us. We know that if we are here, most likely science brought us here. The only way to mess around with an idea of a creator would be to wonder if we were put here by aliens as some sort of experiment or ant farm. Because, who knows? We may be just that. Or we could be here due to many reasons, all of which are scientifically based.
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