Is RUU Agnostic or Atheist?

I'd like to say neither one, and yet both at the same time.  You can't classify RUU with a title (other than RUU LOL) because that would suggest we either are following a set of beliefs (or non-beliefs) set forth by someone else or we can't believe in anything because it's unknowable.

We are like atheists because we reject doctrine and find all the pomp and circumstance that goes with it quite absurd (at least I do, you can feel the way you want).  We reject man-made ideas of spiritual existence.  We know that man is fallible and there is a difference between "possibility" and "myth."  Notice I don't say "facts" and "myth" because as RUUers we don't believe in "fact" when it comes to spirituality.

And that is how we are like agnostics, because we know we can't KNOW anything at all.  But the one thing that differs between us and them: we entertain ideas, we try on new ideas and see what fits and what doesn't...we don't "believe" in these ideas, but we entertain them.  We allow them into our lives, to dance and play and hang out.  But we never invite them to live with us.

Here is an example:


Atheist: Karma is stupid and doesn't exist.

Hard Agnostic: If karma is real, we'll never be able to understand it.

Soft Agnostic: Karma could be real, but I will investigate it and find proof to see if it's real.

RUUer: I don't care if it's real or not, but I will entertain the idea and have fun with it!  I may never have proof of it being real or not, and that's okay.  I may stop entertaining this idea tomorrow, but for today, I am letting it hang out in my life :)  OR I don't believe in karma.  Not because I can't prove if it's real or not, but I am just not interested in it.  It's not an idea I want to entertain.

You can apply this process thing to all ideas, such as soulmates, aliens, creation theories, etc.  We all know that those who believe in these things 100% usually are "odd" or, dare I say, "a tad off their rockers".  Believing in anything 100% doesn't leave you any space to entertain anything that may contradict your beliefs.  And that's exactly why we don't have "beliefs".

To the untrained eye, RUU could look like "faith", with saying "I don't care if there is proof or not".  But I assure, there is absolutely no "faith" in this system.  In order to have "faith", you have to have "belief".  And since we don't have any, we can't have "faith" either.  It's impossible.

  • If I entertain the idea that Tarot cards can give me messages, I have to take them with a grain of salt, because they could be wrong. 
  • If I entertain the idea that there is a God who created us all and put us here, then I must also be prepared to accept that there isn't any specific being who put us here at all.  That we could all be an accident.  And who cares?  If we are an accident or not, it doesn't matter.  We are here, and that's what matters.  
  • If I entertain the idea that the Big Bang was conception of some kind of being, and the universe is expanding because that being is growing bigger, as beings we are aware of do, then I have to be prepared to accept I could be totally off base.  But it's a fun idea to entertain nonetheless :)  

We are like agnostics because we know that most things are unexplainable.  We are unlike agnostics because we aren't totally skeptics, because sometimes we don't care if there is proof or not in order to entertain an idea.  We just want to live and have fun with everything...because in the end, it doesn't matter.  As long as we aim to be good and do good, everything else is just inconsequential and up to our own discretion (which is like the Wiccan Rede: "An it harm none, do as ye wilt").

We are like atheists in the fact we ignore religious doctrine and dogma.  We are unlike them because we have not closed our minds to the possibility of unknown things either becoming known, or worth investing our thoughts in, even if there is no proof.  We also entertain the idea of "personal proof" as a reason to invest our thoughts in a particular idea or thought or theory (or hypothesis).  

RUU is for those of us who want to play around with ideas and thoughts and try them all on for size, but only those ideas and thoughts that speak to us.  We don't invest ourselves fully into them, because we realize we are only human and incapable of having such understanding of whether or not something is "real" (meaning in a scientific way).  

So while we are neither atheist or agnostic, we do share many similarities, which will be dug deeper into in a later post.  So if someone asks you "Isn't this agnosticism?" you can now just explain the differences :)


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