Adventures in Religious Thought Series

Religion doesn't always have to be "all or nothing".  Sometimes, parts of it can offer some amazing insight into ourselves and the world around us.  The "ideas" in religion can be fun, it's when we put rules on those "ideas" is when it starts to become dogma.  So let's take the dogma out doghouse and instead fill it with inspiration!

Each week, I will highlight a known (or little known) religion or spiritual belief, and pick out the best parts that I can find for you to implement into your life.  You can also feel free to research this religion or belief further so you can find even more gems hidden inside :)  I will then offer you a challenge to go with each post to try out for a week or however long you like, to see if it fits.  Like a test drive. 

Example:  Christianity: they use the day Sunday as a day of rest (hence why so many places are still closed on Sundays--not complaining, hubby's work is closed that day!) and also as a day to reconnect with their spiritual roots.  Picking one day out of your hectic work week is a great idea to do the same thing.

So, that will be Challenge #1: choose a day of rest and spiritual reconnection.  Any day you'd like.  Try not to put too many regulations on that day, but if you do make some, make sure you're being flexible in case the need comes up to change it.   A day of rest could be no tv or phone all day, or no visits or visiting, or it could be no sugar or have lots of naps.  Give your mind, body, and soul a rest.  If you do break your rule?  Good.  Being spiritual is NOT about having control of every little thing.  It's about finding your groove.  And sometimes I find limiting myself feels good because our brains crave rules sometimes.  But just make sure not to let your "rules" turn into "dogma".

The spiritual reconnection part could be meditation, napping, walking in nature, reading a book, listening to music, drawing or painting, singing, or just about anything at all.  You pick.

You have Challenge #1, so go give yourself permission to rest and connect, and come back next week when we discuss another interesting idea.  Until then, my friends :) 


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