Right now I am reading PZ Meyers' book "The Happy Atheist".
A lot of what he says resonates with me. Except the current chapters I am reading titled "Soulless" and "Afterlife? What Afterlife?"
In these two chapters, he declares there is absolutely nothing after we die. He also says "I'd rather be honest than deluded and dumb" when referring to the idea there is life after death. Another thing he says is "There is no evidence at all for an afterlife".
I guess that is all in what you consider "evidence". For him, it would be scientific proof. But the problem with using science to explain spirituality, is that he's not looking at the right level of science.
What if you went beyond quantum physics? What is the next layer of science? Could there be all the explanations we need as humans to explain everything we see as ESP or miracles or past lives or anything of the sort? What if we just haven't discovered it yet?
Those who have had OBE's and NDE's and miracles and everything else would love to argue with Mr. PZ and say "But there IS proof! Personal proof".
Can we deny personal proof? Well, unless it has happened to us, yes we can. But for those of us who have experienced such things, we have all the proof we need.
The problem with PZ Meyers and all of his Atheist friends AND Christians and other Abrahamic religions is this: They all pretend to know the "truth".
And the answer is that there isn't any one truth, not for all of us. We each have our own truths....YET if you stay in that middle of zone, where Ruuism lies, then you don't even have that. You have notions, but no truths. You have ideas, but no facts.
The difference between me and Atheists and Abrahamic religions and Buddhists and everyone else?
I don't pretend to know the truth.
I am not arrogant to believe that a little 'ol human like myself knows the truth about anything this universe has to offer, or how it's rules work.Do I believe in biology? Psychology? And anything else our medical science has to offer? Yes, of course. But I also know that:
1) these sciences are proven wrong from time to time--people beat the odds and heal themselves with no trace of whatever they had and medical science cannot explain it (yet) and
2) everything is fallible, nothing works 100% of the time.
But just because we can't explain something, doesn't make it magical. It just shows we have a LONG way to go before we understand how everything works. And will we ever get there? I have no clue.
But that's what I revel in.
Will I go to heaven after I die? Is there any type of afterlife at all? Or will I just shut my eyes and be gone?
My answer is and always will be the same:
I do not know.
And that thrills me! And it also leaves everything open for me to say "What if there is nothing when I die? So I better live life to the damn fullest while I can, because if this all there is, then I better make it FUCKING AMAZING!!"
And if there is an afterlife? It will fucking rock!
But I won't know until then, so why worry about it? I can't control what happens to me after I die, but I CAN control (partly) of how I choose to live.
And that my friends, is all that matters. I may not know anything at all, but that's okay. I can dream, I can create, I can do so many things. Knowing is not necessary.
So let's do this together--let's not pretend to know things we don't, and just be happy with what have now.
Because without that, what's the point?
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