Why Pretending to Know Things is Dangerous

Religions pretend to know the truth.

They never say "possibly this is the right way".  No, instead they say "THIS IS THE ONE AN ONLY TRUTH".

There are no "maybes" or "I don't knows".  There is only "truth" in religion.

But what happens when a religious person is wrong?  Which they always are, when you really boil it down.

Suicides happen.

Wars happen.

Parents disown their children.

People make stupid mistakes and careless choices when they think things are a "one and only" way. 

People get hurt because of these mistakes and choices.

Things get blown up.

People fly airplanes into buildings killing masses of amounts of people.

Children strap explosives to themselves, as do adults, in order to die to please their version of a god.

Other children are shamed for being "kids", all because of "sin".

Other children are denied life-saving treatments such as blood transfusions or chemotherapy.

Religion causes madness and people to do mad things.

All in the name of "God".

If you are ever able to step back and say "I don't know if this is the truth, it might not be", then we are able to separate ourselves from our creator(s) and realize WE aren't the way of "God" or "Jehovah" or "Jah" or "Mohammad" or "Ra" or whatever idea we wish to worship.  And with that separation, we can allow for others to have their own beliefs and ideas, because we don't know the "one true way".

Instead we know of "the many ways".  We know of "the infinite ways"; "the no true way"; "the way of us".  Because spirituality should be personal, and not shared, there is no "one true way".  Not in RUU.

Instead, stop "knowing" things, and start questioning things.  Stop "believing" things, and start NOT believing them.  Instead entertain the ideas, play with them, see what fits, and leave the rest behind. 

Because when we start saying we KNOW things for 100% fact?

That's when it gets dangerous. 

Accept the fact that you do not know, and revel in the glory that life and everything that goes with it is much grander and larger and more complicated than any human could ever even begin to imagine.

Now THAT is something to celebrate and contemplate on.  That nobody really "knows"...anything at all.


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