Why Personal Religion is Preferable to an Organized one

The question isn't why its better for the world (which it indeed is), but why its better for you, as a person.  When you go to church, unless you're a born-again, you most likely do not leave and continue to live a godly life or even remember much about what was preached that day. 

If you're like most church-going Americans, you probably don't even want to go to church and only do so you can see other or be seen by others who regularly attend. 

I am not saying every single person is like this, but a large amount are.

So, why do it at all?  Because that's what you're supposed to do?  Well..............who cares? 

Rather than go to something just because its always been that way and it would just be weird if you didn't and there's no other reason why you go.....why not find your own connection to the divine?  Why not seek out your own ideas?  Church should only be there for people who want to go, not for those who are expected to go.

When the TOOLS page becomes up and running, you can start there for ideas on how to find your own soul-centered ideas to ponder....life after death; life before birth; the meaning of life; etc. 

Personal religion (or spirituality) is deep.  Its real.  Its honest.  Its changeable.  Its bendable.  Its YOU.  Rather than following a set of rules some dude in 200 AD or so came up with (actually I have no idea the year, and I am not interested either), why not find out what YOU want to investigate today? 

Nature?  The cosmos?  Quantum Psychics?  Buddhism?  Taoism? 

Remember: RUU is not about following a set of rules like a blind sheep, its about investigating, pondering, thinking, wondering, entertaining ideas and thoughts of everyone around us and before us.  "This could be the way, or not, it doesn't matter, I just like the way this person thinks!"  Or come up with your own :) 

Become the Philosopher You Wish to See in the World.

Organized religion is about following someone else.  Instead, follow your own heart.  Follow your soul.  Follow your desires.  And then be flexible enough to change when you find something better to follow for a bit. 

Personal religion is like a home-cooked meal, whereas organized is McDonald's. 

Check out Thomas Moore's post on this here: Your Own Personal Religion

and find his amazing book here: A Religion of One's Own

and find him, and other interesting people, on our Holy Moly! Books page here.


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